Online Courses and Workshops

Upcoming Special Courses and events.

Do-In Weekly Class

On Zoom every Monday morning at 9.30am
ÂŁ8 per session with concessions available.

This class is the perfect way to start your week! You will feel more relaxed but also energised after the session. We learn ways to support our health and wellbeing from the perspective of Chinese Medicine. The class is accessible to anybody and all the movements, including tapping, stretching, self acupressure, Chi Gong and breathing, improve the flow of energy through our meridian pathways and organs. 

“Thank you so much for today’s session, I really enjoyed it and felt fabulous afterwards! I can’t tell you how much all of your sessions have helped me both physically and emotionally during what had been a turbulent time, as well as teaching me more about the meridians.”  -JN

Book and Pay Now

Introduction to Essential Oils

Come and join me - it’s free and I am happy to send you a sample beforehand. I love to chat about why I partner with DoTerra, their fair and sustainable sourcing, state of the art testing process and how we can use these oils to support our physical and emotional health and around our homes in so many different ways. Bring your questions! 

 Get in touch below if you want to attend one of these Zoom sessions

Register Now for Free.

The Sleep Programme

Coming soon..

Discover restful nights with our Sleep Program. Designed to address common sleep issues, this course offers a wealth of tips and practical suggestions rooted in Yoga, Chinese Medicine wisdom, and the transformative power of pure essential oils. Unwind with videos tailored to enhance your sleep journey.

Stay tuned for updates on accessing these valuable resources.

Join the Waitlist

The Hormone Programme

Coming soon.. 

Introducing our Hormone Program - designed to help women come into balance with their hormones. This course was designed to give women a holistic overview of how to work with your hormones and bring your body back into balance. Through a fusion of ancient wisdom and modern insights, discover the keys to hormonal equilibrium. Delve into practices inspired by Yoga, Chinese Medicine, and the transformative potential of pure essential oils.

Join the waitlist below. 

Join the Waitlist

AromaAcupressure & Aroma Point 

Online course  - 3 sessions

Coming Soon!

Register Your Interest

Join the Waitlist for Upcoming Courses & Workshops

Just fill out the form below and you'll be the first to know when we release our new courses and offerings.

Alternatively to book, please call or email.

[email protected]

01736 350517
Gift Vouchers are available

Accessibility notice - 

Some of the places I teach and practice are accessible and some aren’t. If you are interested in receiving Shiatsu or learning with me but need to know if the venue will be suitable, please do get in touch.